Covid-19 Guidelines
Masks/Face coverings must be worn within the building with the exception of anyone under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing (or those with an IEP)
Parents/family member’s are asked to wait in the waiting area outside the offices. Therapist/Counselor will open office door and request client(s) to come in at the beginning of their session. There is also an outdoor table which may be available across from the visitor parking.
Clients will either wash their hands or utilize hand sanitizer once entering offices.
Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned routinely, including: tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, keyboards, iPad’s and other touchscreens, toilets, faucets and sinks, toys and games by Therapist/Counselor.
Office/Center will be professionally cleaned and disinfected weekly using EPA approved products.
Hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray and no-touch thermometer will be available at all times.
Masks and gloves will be available for behavior technicians and therapists, and masks will be worn when social distancing is not possible, except during snack time or when clients are sitting at table (and socially distanced)
Handwashing will occur frequently during social skills classes at a minimum prior to each session and after each session. Paper towels are used for hand drying and a no-touch soap dispenser will be available.
The same games, toys or materials will not be used between clients or groups of clients. Snacks will be provided in individual packages (or your child can bring their own).
Reminders to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands will be made.
Therapists/Counselors will self check temperatures each workday, and at the discretion of therapist, or at the request of family, all practices may be temperature-checked. Sessions will be cancelled if any party has a temperature above 100.4.
Additionally, therapist or families with family members who exhibit signs of COVID-19 (fever, chills or aches, cough / congestion / runny nose (other than allergies), shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, snore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea) are required to stay at home until recovered. Also, following governor’s orders regarding visiting high-infection areas must be followed.
Please label any items your child brings to the center to avoid handing by others.
Please fill out the "COVID-19 Liability Waiver” before attending a session and email the completed form to